Godfidence | 5 Declarations to Boost Your Confidence & Self Esteem
Godfidence | 5 Declarations to Boost Your Confidence & Self Esteem
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
Isn't it amazing that the same God that created the mountains, oceans, and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too? We are all fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. Because of that, we have power and can speak life into anything.
Here are a few declarations that will boost your confidence and self-esteem:
1. Rewire my mind and renew the perspective I have of who I am. Restore my courage and faith in You. Help me to be confident in myself as well as in You. I have the spirit of God living inside me. I am capable and equipped to handle it all.
2. Bind every negative thought and comment spoken against me. Help me rebuild and regain my confidence. Help me to love myself but at the same time be humble, Lord as you said honor shall uphold a humble spirit.
3. Take control of my life Father and remind me that I have the strength to defeat the enemy as he attacks me in my daily life. Restore my courage and faith in You. I will fight the good fight of faith every second.
4. When my confidence is fading fast, build me up again. Remind me of the simple truth that confidence can only be found in chasing after you. I'm confident knowing I am loved. I'm confident knowing I am enough. Help me remember these things, Holy Father.
5. Thank you for rescuing me from insecurities. Thank you for giving me the strength and the confidence to do what you purposed for me to do. Inspire me with courage and strip away my doubt.
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